
The FederMenkinArt Collections are generationally transcendent, synthesizing vintage forward-thinking art with modern applications.

From the moment they met in 1939 en route to the inaugural class of the NEW BAUHAUS (School of Design in Chicago), followed by 3-years of mentoring by László Moholy-Nagy and György Kepes, Eudice Feder and Mel Menkin incorporated the basic Bauhaus philosophy of maximizing the use of new materials.

Copyright © Eudice Feder, Copyright © Mel Menkin. Copyright © FederMenkinArt. All artwork and images on this site are the exclusive property of Eudice Feder and Mel Menkin, and FederMenkinArt, and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or manipulated without the written permission of FederMenkinArt. All all the copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and the material on our website are reserved.